LINK is committed to working with the Government, our regulators and the financial services industry to protect access to cash.

LINK publishes information about the ATM Network on a regular basis, and provides up to date information about the location of ATMs and Post Offices through its ATM Locator.  

LINK publishes information about the location of ATMs. The location of every ATM and cash at the till counter on the LINK Network on a particular date is detailed via the links below. LINK will update this information periodically.

January 2023 Download
June 2022 Download
January 2022 Download
June 2021 Download

Notes on use of this information:

The ATM Network changes on a daily basis, as Operators install new machines, perform maintenance on existing machines and remove others. This data relates to the network at a point in time and may not reflect the latest position. Statistics about the LINK Network are published on a more regular basis here.

LINK relies on its Members to provide up to date information about ATMs and works to validate that information.

ATM Location data is provided for informational purposes only and in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

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